This year has proven to be full of work for us as the season draws near. The farm has started to emerge from dormancy and everything is coming to life, we have added our typical weekly maintenance to the schedule which is just about on track for normal weather expectations.
We have been using our nice days sparingly for multiple projects and have all projects lined up based on the weather. We have been working diligently to improve the look around our farm, update areas, plant new plants, fruit trees, landscape, etc. Wood chips have been spread on trails we are working to improve for our camp sites and we cranked out picnic tables this early spring for the festival time and camp sites. Plants are starting to be ready for movement and ground planting as well.
Spending the rainy days inside the greenhouse we have started to move our plants dedicated to expansion, and those ready for direct ground have started going in. Hopefully we will be past the last frost of the year soon....usually the second week of May for us. Last week we started dropping two of four new varieties in the new field. Added to our lineup will be an area consisting of Mustead, Provence, Hidcode Blue, and Sachet. These areas are lined by the white variety Melissa.
We have quite a few notable moments as we move forward with the season:
The farm officially begins welcoming people again the 24th
We will be open still on weekends and available during the week as well
Our first Farmer's Market presence will be June 1st in Packwood, and every Saturday thereafter for the season
Angustfolia bunches will start becoming available in June
Camping bookings are available on our HipCamp for overnight stays
With the sale of Packwood Spirits our products are not currently available in Packwood, you can for the time being order online. Just choose will call pickup as the shipping option, and make a note to take to the farmer's market and we will have your products available at the next scheduled farmer's market...
The 2024 Lavender Celebration is approaching FAST! Check our lineup out...its gonna be fun!
Still time for Mother's Day Shipments!
We can still get them out in time, we have been sending out a continuous supply of awesome Mother's Day assortments, you don't have to pick our designated set...if it's for Mom and you want a note just make a note on your order and we will hand write a short little note to go with it! A great gift for Mom, and support of our farming efforts - win win!
Website updates
We have been working very hard in the background to update our website with the newest technologies available to us, shipping prices have really calmed down over the last year and technology available to us now allows our shipping calculations to become more precise. We are working diligently to make it as fair as possible and accurate using these new methods. This mainly applies to smaller orders as everything over a $60 subtotal still ships for free, so load that shopping cart up!