About the Recipe
One thing that always goes good with lavender flavor is fish. Try this recipe and then explore other uses for lavender to add surprising new flavors. We use our all purpose meat rub for the dish which can also be found on the recipes list. It's a good idea to start there first and make a good size batch of meat rub to use for everything from hamburgers to seasoning meatballs. This salmon recipe is very quick on a pellet style bbq so planning the sides takes the most time. As always rice pairs nice, in this instance we used the zest of our left over orange to flavor our brown rice.
Step 1
Preheat your pellet grill to 450 degrees F and refill your water tray if applicable.
Step 2
Lay salmon skin side down on aluminum foil or a baking sheet suitable for use on your grill, then pat the salmon dry with a paper towel.
Step 3
Drizzle olive oil on the fellets and season heavily with CFLC all purpose meat rub (see recipe in main recipe list.) Slice the orange into 1/4" or less size full round slices and lay them on top of your salmon to add some extra flavor while cooking.
Step 4
Start your sides first, salmon cooks quickly...we like using a brown rice mixed with the zest of our left over orange and a little salt to taste. Typically we will not start the fish until the rice is nearly done. Fresh veggies can always be prepared while the fish is cooking and the rice remains on warmer.
Step 5
Once the grill is up to temperature, put your salmon on the mid rack and cook for 15-20 minutes ideally looking for an internal temperature of 140-145 degrees F. The thinner the fish the more likely you will need to check it around 15 minutes.
Step 6
Remove from the grill and plate your sides, then plate the salmon leaving cooked orange slices on the top. Garnish with fresh lavender or fresh parsley.